Beyond the Senses
Journeys in the radio-optic sphere

Futurist Abstract

Shape and Flow

From the earliest gestures, rhythms and smoke signals, the sharing of ideas has depended on an evolution of information structure and distance messaging, within the realms of our senses. Cultural constructs of knowledge and creativity have emerged from a complex synthesis of signals, as the things we know, who we are.


Innovations in informatics, radio spectrums and optical transmission have created new paradigms for signal processing and the re-architecting of information and knowledge outside of our traditional thinking patterns, our senses, and even our capabilities.


While sense, mobility and force have long been enhanced through technology, interactions between information technology and thinking processes have generated new capacity for information entropy. Immersive interfaces now steadily recast the human entity in a super-natural forcefield, while an emergent form of inter-agency connects the co-processing capabilities of biological, electronic and environmental agents. 


  • What will be the new shape and flow of information ?


Perspectives on modern informatics challenge the legacy of our stagnant literary minds, transforming our understanding of information, energy, ecology and cooperation. In this age, static thinking, objects and certainties have given way to a continuous, dynamic scanning of natural and man-made signals, oscillating through multiple positions, meeting complex problems with machine perception, multi-step processes, extended time-scales and abstract pattern recognition. 


Radio-optic networks have displaced geography, releasing social and cultural processes through borderless communities and telepresence, exploring the boundaries and value systems of innovation and interaction. Reverberant media manifests in echo chambers, transaction engines proliferate high-frequency message transfer, meaning is ascribed through signal to noise ratio.


Information processing as we know it, is transcending the physical body, encoded in light pulse and energy exchange. Any data form, environmental, linguistic, visual, sonic or cosmic, can be manipulated and transformed through advanced synthesis and composition. As ubiquitous sensor domains sequence invisible data, advanced patterns of information are, to the unassisted mind, increasingly opaque, evoking aesthetic experiences beyond our comprehension.


  • How will we react to new informational abstractions ? 


At the interface


The shift and liberation toward dynamic, diversified forms of biological and synthetic intelligence, is in effect transferring evermore aspects of human attention span to exo-somatic, mediating technology. An integrated loop with expansive data-sets. What began as the technological enablement of connectivity and information flow, has evolved to a continuous assistance in defining the nature of information, knowledge and creativity. 


  • What am I being told ?
  • Who, or what is telling me ?
  • What is the source ?


The new order of information technology communicates with itself, placing the human out of loop, relegated to discrete interface access, challenging its contribution to the dialogue. The human node is increasingly integrated within a system composed of myriad signal sources, sensors and autonomous agents, orchestrated in the radio-optic sphere.


  • How far out of the loop may we be pushed ? 


In the coming waves of human-technology interaction, function and efficiency transition to physical, emotional and hyper-cultural experience. A greater intimacy with the senses, connected to the informatic rhythms of everyday life. A signal from across the globe can already offer more meaning than a physical engagement. With an increasing convergence of information exchange, consciousness and telepresence, experience may be recorded and replayed on demand. Augmented vision accessing granular environmental data, enhanced auditory systems discerning complex sound structures, synthetic skin detecting subtleties in textural range. As our neuro-plastic behaviors adapt to new interfaces, morphological choice and mandate will enable continuous response and embodied interaction.


The electronic interfaces with which we now live need not be mediated by close-up devices. The expansion of audio-visual, haptic and socio-informatic spaces will realize 360 degree conditions. Virtual compositions with malleable characteristics, evolving ambience and impulse response, impossible to realize in the physical domain. Immense activity bands tuning the invisible and assisting the body in giving way to an immersive awareness of interconnected environments. As interaction moves off-device, as physical space moves toward interaction, future zones offer augmented and parallel realities, with new forms of cooperative life.


In the emergence of a cohabitate, inter-agent techno-society, systemic, auto-generative programming shapes an environment of continuous information production. Sensor architectures, nanotechnology and intelligent agents operate at the intersection of biological and electronic life. Super-scale projects are choreographed by swarm intelligence, while human response adapts to the discrete operations of evolved algorithms.

Immersive analytics: The Allosphere Research Facility, CA

The dynamic mind


Immersion in new information interfaces will synthesize machine perception with data processing and human sensory perception, releasing the echoes of environmental structure and phenomena. Redefining location with modulations of time and spatiality. The dynamical rhythms of numbers, words, sounds, optics and shapes, transition our notions of information about the world, to new worlds within information.


The beacon for humanity is an intensified connection with the flux of nature, as we have never before known it. To see, hear and feel on demand.


  • Can we understand the coming synthesis of information ?
  • What are the possibilities for creativity in symbiosis with synthetic intelligence ?
  • How will the collective learning of the species be encoded in a multi-agent network ? 


In this exploration and discovery, we tune in to an emerging reality of technological immersion and inter-agency. This dynamic mind. As explorers of yesterday touched new terrains, lifeforms and atmospheres, our transcendence in the radio-optic sphere is a revelation of the natural world.

Author: Ivan Sean, c. 2017-18 | USA
© 10 Sensor Foresight

Period: 2007-2017 | Language: English
Core Concepts: Human Node; Inter-Agent Society; Dynamic Mind
Visual Media: c/o Living Data
AI-Usage: Non-generative digital platforms, output validation
Conflict of Interest: None
References:'Towards Multi-Agent Systems', Watson Research Center, IBM, 2018 | 'Morphological freedom', Anders Sandberg, 2013  | Transhumanism and personal identity, James Hughes, 2013 | 'Allosphere Research Facility', University of Santa Barbara, CA, c.2007